Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Cyclops Returns?

Will cyclops return to the big screen with the x-men? Some of you know that in x-men 3 cyclops recently died, but we can't really assume that he is dead because his body was not shown in the movie. Some people think that actor James Marsden will return as cyclops in the next X-men movie "Days of Future Past." Some people think this because some saw that the actor James Marsden was getting on a plane with Halle Berry(storm) and going to the same place where they where shooting the X-men Days of Future Past movie. But unfortunately it has been just confirmed that cyclops will not be returning for Days of future past. We don't know why yet, but it might be a good idea to at least make a cameo of him. What do you think? Should The days of future past movie be a perfect opportunity to bring him back and should director Bryan Singer not waste this opportunity to bring him back?

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