Friday, May 16, 2014

X-men Apocalypse

A few months ago Brian Singer has tweeted that X-men Apocalypse movie will be coming out in 2016 and a later he also confirmed that James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Nicholas Hoult, and Jennifer Lawrence would reprise their roles as Charles Xavier, Magneto, Beast, and Mystique.
It has also been confirmed that Gambit would also appear and will be played by Channing Tatum and Gambit will also get his own solo movie!
Brian Singer is also interested in bringing Nightcrawler back to the big screen, though it is not yet confirmed who will pay him.
Another big news is that Wolverine would appear played by Hugh Jackman (obliviously) and a young Cyclops, Jean Grey, and Storm would appear, though it is unknown who would play the younger version of themselves. Also it has not yet revealed who would play Apocalypse in the movie and Quicksilver might return. We might get more information about this toward 2015.               

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